Bletchley Park Trust came to us for help as part of their project to restore key codebreaking huts and create a new visitor centre.
Specifically, they commissioned us to write the Conservation Management Plan which would support the project’s Stage 2 bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (now known as the National Lottery Heritage Fund).
Janice worked alongside colleagues Emma Chaplin and Heather Lomas to identify the significance of the museum and archives collections, and how they were currently being managed. From this, they created the Conservation Management Plan, which laid out the current situation as well as a plan for how this could be improved and best practice adopted. The document looked at ways the Trust could more fully realise the potential of the collections, as well as what would need to be done to ensure their care met national standards for museums and archives.
In October 2011, the Trust’s Stage 2 bid was successful, securing a £4.6m grant for the project. The Conservation Management Plan provided the Trust with the basis for improving the care of their collections, and in particular informed the priorities and work of their new archivist. The full restoration project was completed in 2014, with the occasion being marked by a visit from Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.